======================================================================================== README: Information of patent office data files on the patent directory ======================================================================================== 1. File name and contents [Cumulated patent amino acid sequence data] jpo_ddbj_aa#.seq.gz - JPO amino acid data files kipo_ddbj_aa#.seq.gz - KIPO amino acid data files [The list of JPO data with possibility of inaccurate sequence] JPO_AAwithNA - The list of JPO amino acid sequence data with possibility of nucleotide sequence JPO_AAwith3L - The list of JPO amino acid sequence data described by non-one letter symbol sequence JPO_NAwithAA - The list of JPO nucleotide sequence data with possibility of amino acid sequence [Others] README.TXT - This text; file information on the patent directory. 2. Cumulated patent amino acid sequence data 2-1: Number of files ---------------------------- jpo_ddbj_aa# 8 files kipo_ddbj_aa# 3 files ---------------------------- JPO/KIPO cumulated data was released in multiple jpo_ddbj_aa#.seq and kipo_ddbj_aa#.seq, each of which at most has 1.5 GB storage capacity. 2-2: Renewal timing Those files will be updated at release timing of data distribution, as follows. (1) JPO data (Monthly) (2) KIPO data (Irregular date) (3) JPO/KIPO data update or other process (Irregular date) 3. JPO data with possibility of inaccurate sequence 3-1: List format (1) JPO_AAwithNA: JPO amino acid sequence data with possibility of nucleotide sequence Accession number[TAB]Patent publication number[TAB]Sequence number(PS line*)[TAB]Validation result (2) JPO_AAwith3L: JPO amino acid sequence data described by non-one letter symbol sequence Accession number[TAB]Patent publication number[TAB]Sequence number(PS line*)[TAB]Category symbol[TAB]Note (3) JPO_NAwithAA : JPO nucleotide sequence data with possibility of amino acid sequence Accession number[TAB]Patent publication number[TAB]Sequence number(PS line*)[TAB]Entry status *PS line is described sequence number with N. Please refer this number when you check the corresponding data of sequence listings of patent publication. It is set on COMMENT PS line of JPO Flat File (FF). 3-2: Renewal timing Those files will be updated as irregularly. 4. Revision history (Since Nov. 28, 2010) [Released files on Jun. 28, 2024] JPO amino acid sequence data was divided as eight files. [Released files on Aug. 4, 2023] KIPO amino acid sequence data was divided as three files. [Released files on Jan. 28, 2022] JPO amino acid sequence data was divided as seven files. [Released files on Jan. 29, 2021] JPO amino acid sequence data was divided as six files. [Released files on Sep. 30, 2020] JPO amino acid sequence data was divided as five files. [Released files on Oct. 8, 2020] KIPO amino acid sequence data was divided as two files. [Released files on Nov. 30, 2018] It was released the JPO lists of amino acid sequence data described by non-one letter symbol sequence (JPO_AAwith3L) and nucleotide sequence data with possibility of amino acid sequence (JPO_NAwithAA). JPO_AAwithNA was added 10611 entries for BD, DD, DJ, DL and DM prefix data. [Released files on Apr. 28, 2018] Disclaimer was added for files on patent directory. [Released files on Dec. 27, 2016] It was released the list of JPO amino acid sequence data with possibility of nucleotide sequence. [Released files on Oct. 28, 2016] JPO amino acid sequence data was divided as four files. [Released files on Dec. 19, 2014] File Release timing was changed from every three months to data distribution. [Released files on Oct. 2, 2014] DDBJ revised the number format for international patent publication data (WO data) submitted in 2000-2003 from JPO. (Before) Format: WO [2 digit year][5 or 6 digit ID] Example: WO 01123456 WO 0112345 (After) Format: WO [4 digit year][6 digit ID] Example: WO 2014123456 JPO files have those revised data for 11,460 entries. [Released files on Dec. 26, 2013] Data submission of KIPO was restarted since October 2013. 47582 entries (DI613600-DI661181) were added in "kipo_ddbj_aa.seq.gz". COMMENT of DI613600-DI661181 were described with new format as follows. ------------------------------------------------------------ Header Description ------------------------------------------------------------ KN Sequence ID AN Application number AD Application date PN Publication number PD Publication date AT Application title AI Inventors (bar-separated) AA Applicants (bar-separated) PR Priority number=Priority date (bar-separated) OS Organism name TY Sequence type (PRT) ------------------------------------------------------------ [Released files on Sep. 18, 2013] DDBJ divided JPO amino acid sequence data as three files. [Released files on Sep. 28, 2012] COMMENT was added new lines of PA, PT and PS in JPO data flat file (FF). ------------------------------------------------------------ [Additional lines] PA: Applicant name PT: Invention title PS: Sequence number indicated by applicant [Example] COMMENT OS human PN JP 2010599999-A/100 PD 29-SEP-2010 PF 20-NOV-2006 JP 2008583186 PR 15-MAR-2003 US 60/525115 PA DNA Data Bank of Japan PI hanako mishima,taro iden PT "Genetic Markers Expressed In Tumors" PS N55 CC genetic maker for genetic diagnosis FH Key Location/Qualifiers FT misc_feature 1..88 FT /note="genetic maker" ------------------------------------------------------------ DDBJ constructed FF for all JPO entries to reflect new COMMENT format and released them by JPO cumulated files. [Released files on Aug. 26, 2011] DDBJ started dividing JPO cumulated file by file size under 1.5 G byte. [Released files on Feb. 25, 2011] Definition format was modified. It was set the patent publication/application number on the head of DEFINITION line. Example: (Old format) DEFINITION Genetic Makers Expressed in Tumors. (New format) DEFINITION JP 2010599999-A/1: Genetic Makers Expressed in Tumors. [Released files on Nov. 29, 2010] It was modified the location format without "aa" description on REFERENCE line and source feature location as follows. Example: (Old location format) REFERENCE 1 (residues 1 to 442aa) source 1..442aa (New location format) REFERENCE 1 (residues 1 to 442) source 1..442 5. Disclaimer While DDBJ endeavors to keep its data correct, DDBJ makes no representations or warranties of any kind about the completeness, accuracy or reliability with respect to the data in the files for the JPO/KIPO cumulated patent amino acid sequence data and JPO lists (JPO_AAwithNA, JPO_AAwith3L and JPO_NAwithAA). DDBJ also makes no legal liability or responsibility of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or that the use of the sequence data will not infringe any patent or other rights. Any receipt, reliance or use you place on such data is therefore strictly at your own risk. Please also see on the following page. https://www.ddbj.nig.ac.jp/policies-e.html#disclaimer