September 18, 2012 This directory contains genotypes from Genome STRiP for sites from the Phase 1 integrated call set (autosome only) genotyped on the Phase 2 AFR panel (191 samples). The Phase 1 sites filters were applied post-genotyping, which removed 425 sites (3%), as these sites did not genotype well in the smaller Phase 2 panel. The VCF file contains two tags with genotype likelihoods: GL: These are genotype likelihoods that employ a population-frequency prior in the read-depth genotyping. GL0: These are genotype likelihoods that do not employ the population-frequency prior and are thus suitable for doing genotype refinement with beagle/MaCH. The GT and GQ fields are based on the GL likelihoods. Only sites that pass the post-genotyping site filters are included in this vcf file. For questions contact Bob Handsaker ( handsake at broad institute dot org )