home > bioproject > PRJDB12634
identifier PRJDB12634
type bioproject
organism Mus musculus
title Hi-C analysis of sarcoma and renal cell carcinoma
description Hi-C analysis was performed using mouse alveolar soft part sarcoma cells (ASPS) and mouse renal cell carcinoma cells (RCC). The goal is to clarify the construction and distribution of TAD (topological associating domain) contact maps throughout the mouse genome of ASPS and RCC, and the exact nature of enhancer reprogramming with TFE3-fusion.
data type Epigenomics
sra-run  DRR330423DRR330424DRR330425DRR330426
sra-submission  DRA013089
biosample  SAMD00424015SAMD00424016SAMD00424017SAMD00424018
sra-study  DRP009296
sra-sample  DRS266854DRS266855DRS266856DRS266857
sra-experiment  DRX319427DRX319428DRX319429DRX319430
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ddbj_core_bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2021-11-24T00:21:43+09:00
dateModified 2022-11-30T11:00:16+09:00
datePublished 2022-11-30T11:00:16+09:00