home > bioproject > PRJDB2258
identifier PRJDB2258
type bioproject
sra-study  DRP000661
organism Ficus carica
title De novo sequencing and comparative analysis of expressed sequence tags from gynodioecious fig (Ficus carica L.) fruits: caprifig and common fig
description We conducted an exhaustive study of gene expression in fig fruits to identify the gene complexes responsible for fundamental fruit physiology and phenotypic differences between ecotypes. We performed high-throughput pyrosequencing on cDNA libraries constructed from caprifig and common fig fruits and compared their transcriptomes by analyzing the expressed sequence tags obtained. We collected a total of 290,594 expressed sequence tag reads from the two fruit types. We identified many metabolic genes, including those encoding proteins in the ethylene, glucose, and anthocyanin synthesis pathways that are involved in fruit maturation. Comparative transcript profiling allowed the identification of differentially expressed genes including genes with potential relevance in regulating sexuality and parthenocarpy.
data type Other
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