home > bioproject > PRJDB2775
identifier PRJDB2775
type bioproject
sra-study  DRP000580
organism Rattus norvegicus
title Deep sequencing of rat striated muscle transcriptome using test variants of the nanoCAGE technology.
description In the course of enhancing the nanoCAGE technology, we have compared alternative protocols with a control, using the same total RNA sample as starting material for all libraries. The resulting dataset therefore deeply explores the transcriptome of the rat's striated muscle. The technical variations tested were changes on the number of PCR cycles, the introduction of a random sequence in the template-switching oligonucleotides to detect and remove PCR duplicates, and the pre-treatment of the RNA sample with polynucleotide kinase or Terminator 5' exonuclease, to degrade non-capped RNAs.
data type DDBJ SRA Study
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