home > bioproject > PRJDB3391
identifier PRJDB3391
type bioproject
organism Oryza sativa Japonica Group
title Effects of an active transpon on the rice epigenome
description We identified an active transposon mPing in the rice genome. mPing is still actively transposing in several japonica landraces under natural growth conditions. Like other transposons, mPing is epigenetically methylated by the host defense mechanism. Nevertheless, mPing can render adjacent genes stress inducible. Final goal of this project is to elucidate the effects of mPing on the rice epigenome. Furthermore, based on the findings in this project, we aim to establish new breeding techniques.
data type Epigenomics
sra-run  DRR029409DRR029410DRR029411DRR029412DRR029413DRR029414DRR029415DRR029416
sra-submission  DRA002973
biosample  SAMD00024056SAMD00024057SAMD00024058SAMD00024059
sra-study  DRP004734
sra-sample  DRS085868DRS085869DRS085870DRS085871
sra-experiment  DRX026469DRX026470DRX026471DRX026472DRX026473DRX026474DRX026475DRX026476
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ddbj_core_bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2014-12-18T11:01:02+09:00
dateModified 2019-01-16T14:46:57+09:00
datePublished 2019-01-16T14:46:57+09:00