home > bioproject > PRJDB3479
identifier PRJDB3479
type bioproject
organism algae metagenome
title Metagenome analysis of picoeukaryotes from surface seawater
description Surface seawater was collected at two sampling sites in Sendai Bay (C5: 141.083W, 37.976N; C12: 141.317W, 37.974N), Miyagi, Japan on October 7 and December 1 in 2013. Suspended particles were concentrated to 100 fold and divided into two subsamples: (1) mixied with DMSO(5%) and frozen to sore in liquid nitrogen, (2) kept non-frozen. Picophytoplankton cells were sorted by flow cytometry. The genomic DNA was extracted and amplified by whole genome amplification. Partial 18S rRNA gene of the eukaryotes was amplified and sequenced using GS junior.
data type Metagenome
sra-run  DRR030330DRR030331DRR030332DRR030333DRR030334DRR054700DRR054701DRR054702DRR054703DRR054704 More
sra-submission  DRA003055DRA004439
biosample  SAMD00025723SAMD00025724SAMD00025725SAMD00025726SAMD00025727SAMD00046447SAMD00046448SAMD00046449SAMD00046450SAMD00046451 More
sra-study  DRP003163
sra-sample  DRS031138DRS031139DRS031140DRS031141DRS031142DRS039469DRS039470DRS039471DRS039472DRS039473 More
sra-experiment  DRX027346DRX027347DRX027348DRX027349DRX027350DRX049548DRX049549DRX049550DRX049551DRX049552 More
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ddbj_core_bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2015-02-02T02:07:25+09:00
dateModified 2018-04-26T05:48:21+09:00
datePublished 2016-06-24T14:04:01+09:00