home > bioproject > PRJDB3532
identifier PRJDB3532
type bioproject
organism Mus musculus
title DNA methylatio of retrotransposon of male germ cells
description DNA methylation is one of critical epigenetic marks for male germ cell development. This DNA methylation is dynamically regulated during embryonic male germ cell development. DNA methylation is largely erased around embryonic day 13 to 15. Then, DNA methylation is re-established around embryonic day 16 to 18, called de novo DNA methylation. Small non-coding RNA, piRNA (PIWI-interacting RNA) was reported to essential for de novo DNA methylation of a specific retrotransposon, however, the whole pictures are still largely unknown. Here, we performed whole genome bisulfite sequence of Mili- and Miwi2-null germ cells by novel method, named PBAT (Post-bisulfite adaptor tagging) . Mili-null germ cells showed severely impaired piRNA production, namely piRNA deficient mutant. MIWI2 protein is believed as an essential protein for secondary processing of piRNA and nuclear effector with piRNA. Comparing the impaired DNA methylation of the mutant male germ cells, gives more information.
data type Genome Sequencing
sra-run  DRR030656DRR030657DRR030658DRR030659DRR030660DRR030661DRR030662DRR030663DRR030664DRR030665 More
sra-submission  DRA003075
biosample  SAMD00026237SAMD00026238SAMD00026239SAMD00026240
sra-study  DRP002716
sra-sample  DRS020528DRS020529DRS020530DRS020531
sra-experiment  DRX027666DRX027667DRX027668DRX027669DRX027670DRX027671DRX027672DRX027673DRX027674DRX027675 More
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ddbj_core_bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2015-02-24T02:11:47+09:00
dateModified 2015-08-10T13:13:00+09:00
datePublished 2015-08-10T13:13:00+09:00