home > bioproject > PRJDB4191
identifier PRJDB4191
type bioproject
organism Heterocephalus glaber
title RNA sequence of Naked mole rat induced pluripotent stem cells.
description We have generated induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from naked mole rat (NMR, Heterocephalus glaber) using retrovirus-mediated delivery of reprogramming factors (mouse Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc). NMR-iPSCs are cultured on mitomycin C-treated SNL-STO feeder cells. Although NMR-iPSCs exhibit pluripotency (the potential to differentiate into cells of the three germ layers) in vitro, they do not form teratomas in vivo. The expression of the tumour suppressor alternative reading frame (ARF) is activated in NMR-iPSCs compared with fibroblasts. NMRs have a unique frame-shift mutation in transforming-oncogene ES cell-expressed Ras (ERAS) that positively regulates tumourigenicity of mouse ESCs. To demonstrate the role of ARF activation and ERAS disruption in the tumour resistance of NMR-iPSCs, we introduced short hairpin RNA targeting ARF (shARF) and/or mouse-ERas (mERas) into NMR-iPSCs (shARF-, mERas-, or shARF/mERas-NMR-iPSCs). NMR-iPSCs acquired tumorigenicity to form teratom a by introducing shARF and mERas. Submitted overall design: The data is deep sequencing of mRNA from NMR-iPSCs (four clones: NMR-iPS 4, 10, 24 and 27), NMR skin fibroblast (two lines: H5 and H17) and NMR-iPSCs clone 24 and 27 introduced sh ARF and/or mERas (shARF-, mERas-, or shARF/mERas-NMR-iPSCs). Gene expression profiles of these cell lines were analyzed.
data type Transcriptome or Gene Expression
sra-run  DRR045543DRR045544DRR045545DRR045546DRR045547DRR045548DRR045549DRR045550DRR045551DRR045552 More
sra-submission  DRA003980
biosample  SAMD00040030SAMD00040031SAMD00040032SAMD00040033SAMD00040034SAMD00040035SAMD00040036SAMD00040037SAMD00040038SAMD00040039 More
sra-study  DRP003111
sra-sample  DRS029605DRS029606DRS029607DRS029608DRS029609DRS029610DRS029611DRS029612DRS029613DRS029614 More
sra-experiment  DRX040839DRX040840DRX040841DRX040842DRX040843DRX040844DRX040845DRX040846DRX040847DRX040848 More
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ddbj_core_bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2015-08-28T01:41:03+09:00
dateModified 2017-03-13T02:43:37+09:00
datePublished 2016-05-09T15:04:30+09:00