home > bioproject > PRJDB4950
identifier PRJDB4950
type bioproject
organism Mus musculus
title Fam60a is a component of the mSin3A-HDAC transcriptional corepressor complex and inhibits Tet-mediated DNA demethylation
description Fam60a was identified as a highly expressed gene of unknown function in mouse embryonic stem cells. We have examined the role of Fam60a in mouse development. Most Fam60a mutant embryos manifest hypoplasia of visceral organs and die in utero. Fam60a interacts with components of the mSin3A-HDAC transcriptional corepressor complex and is recruited to the promoter regions of a subset of genes throughout the genome. Genome-wide gene expression analysis revealed that Fam60a target genes are either up- or down-regulated in Fam60a mutant embryos. In cultured cells, Fam60a inhibited the global conversion of 5-methylcytosine to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine mediated by TET1. Furthermore, bisulfite sequencing analysis of Fam60a target gene promoters showed that the DNA methylation level of Adhfe1 is maintained at embryonic day (E) 7.5 but is markedly reduced at E9.5 in Fam60a mutant embryos, suggesting that DNA demethylation is enhanced in the mutant. Our data suggest that Fam60a is a component of the mSin3A-HDAC complex and is required for proper embryogenesis, at least in part as a result of its inhibition of Tet-mediated DNA demethylation at specific gene promoters.
data type Transcriptome or Gene Expression
sra-run  DRR064026DRR064027DRR064028DRR064029DRR064030DRR064031
sra-submission  DRA004841
biosample  SAMD00054090SAMD00054091SAMD00054092SAMD00054093SAMD00054094SAMD00054095
sra-study  DRP003227
sra-sample  DRS033299DRS033300DRS033301DRS033302DRS033303DRS033304
sra-experiment  DRX058177DRX058178DRX058179DRX058180DRX058181DRX058182
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ddbj_core_bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2016-06-27T06:37:34+09:00
dateModified 2018-01-22T02:55:02+09:00
datePublished 2016-08-09T14:07:05+09:00