home > bioproject > PRJDB4979
identifier PRJDB4979
type bioproject
organism seawater metagenome
title Rausu mesopelagic Nov 2013
description 16S rRNA gene fragments from mesopelagic water collected in Nov 2013 at coastal area of Rausu town, Hokkaido, Japan (at a depth of 350 m) were analyzed to comprehensively reveal the bacterial community in a mesopelagic water mass around Rausu. The goal of this study was to comprehensively reveal the bacterial community in mesopelagic water masses around Japan for the first time. For comparison, 16S rRNA gene fragments from surface seawaters around Japan were similarly analyzed comprehensively for the first time.
data type Metagenome
sra-run  DRR068670
sra-submission  DRA005078
sra-analysis  DRZ007640
biosample  SAMD00055816
sra-study  DRP005198
sra-sample  DRS101032
sra-experiment  DRX062620
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ddbj_core_bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2016-07-08T10:23:02+09:00
dateModified 2019-06-25T13:09:01+09:00
datePublished 2019-06-25T13:09:01+09:00