home > bioproject > PRJDB5171
identifier PRJDB5171
type bioproject
organism Homo sapiens
title Identification of RNA target of Matrin3 and PTBP1 in neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y by PAR-CLIP
description RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) act on each target separately or the same target cooperatively or competitively. The aberrance in RBPs leads to neurological disorders such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Matrin3 is highly conserved DNA/RNA binding protein whose point mutations are found in familial ALS patients. However, the function and target of Matrin3 in neuronal cells remain unclear. Here, we report the transcriptome-wide binding sites of Matrin3 in neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cell lines using photoactivatable-ribonucleoside-enhanced crosslinking and immunoprecipitation (PAR-CLIP). These data will provide us first step to understand pathological mechanism of ALS.
data type Transcriptome or Gene Expression
sra-run  DRR071072DRR071073DRR093363DRR093364
sra-submission  DRA005124DRA005839
biosample  SAMD00061311SAMD00061312
sra-study  DRP003718
sra-sample  DRS048310DRS048311
sra-experiment  DRX065022DRX065023DRX086861DRX086862
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ddbj_core_bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2016-09-17T22:08:49+09:00
dateModified 2017-07-13T13:29:35+09:00
datePublished 2017-07-13T13:29:35+09:00