home > bioproject > PRJDB5452
identifier PRJDB5452
type bioproject
organism rock metagenome
title Attractive Surface Bacterial Communities Structure of Black and White Section from Yunnan Karst Area Stone
description In this study,all stone samples were collected from four sites in karst areas of southeastern Yunnan Province of China,including Stone Forest Scenic in Shilin County (SL) located in Kunming City,Qingshui HETANG (QS),Puzhehei Scenic (PZ) and Shede Village (SD)in Qiubei Countylocated in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture,in June,2016.In addition,the samples collected from the same rock with black and white sections were named S and B during the sequencing process.Then,iron and manganese oxides were detected as the main mineral composition difference between contrastable samples by Raman.Moreover,electrochemical characterization showed that all black samples had photoelectrochemical activity in response to visible light, and the photocurrent density was of 4 times than white samples.The bacterial community structure maybe influenced by solar-mineral system.
data type Genome Sequencing
sra-run  DRR090882DRR090883DRR090884DRR090885DRR090886DRR090887DRR090888DRR090889
sra-submission  DRA005747
biosample  SAMD00071144SAMD00071145SAMD00071146SAMD00071147SAMD00071148SAMD00071149SAMD00071150SAMD00071151
sra-study  DRP004991
sra-sample  DRS092961DRS092962DRS092963DRS092964DRS092965DRS092966DRS092967DRS092968
sra-experiment  DRX084587DRX084588DRX084589DRX084590DRX084591DRX084592DRX084593DRX084594
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ddbj_core_bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2017-01-11T09:12:11+09:00
dateModified 2019-04-22T13:08:17+09:00
datePublished 2019-04-22T13:08:17+09:00