home > bioproject > PRJDB5527
identifier PRJDB5527
type bioproject
organism Abies sachalinensis
title Molecular basis for adaptive traits underlying local adaptation in Abies sachalinensis
description Two parents (No.236 and No.336) were selected from progenies that are produced by crossing high-altitude trees (1100-1200m alt.) and low-altitude trees (530m). One parent (No.236) were selected from progeny that high-elevation tree A33 sired by the low-elevation pollen mixture C1. The other parent (No.336) selected from progeny that high-elevation tree A39 sired by the low-elevation pollen mixture C1. Reciprocal hybridization (No.236 x No.336 and No.336 x No.236) was conducted in 2011 and their progenies were used for QTL mapping of local adaptation along the altitudinal gradient in Abies sachalinensis.
data type Transcriptome or Gene Expression
sra-run  DRR087269DRR087270DRR087271DRR087272
sra-submission  DRA005544
biosample  SAMD00074403SAMD00074404SAMD00074405SAMD00074406
sra-study  DRP004824
sra-sample  DRS088134DRS088135DRS088136DRS088137
sra-experiment  DRX081098DRX081099DRX081100DRX081101
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ddbj_core_bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2017-02-07T04:32:27+09:00
dateModified 2019-02-13T13:08:53+09:00
datePublished 2019-02-13T13:08:53+09:00