home > bioproject > PRJDB5696
identifier PRJDB5696
type bioproject
organism soil metagenome
title Isolation of a bacterial mixture capable of utilizing C-mannosyl tryptophan as the sole carbon source
description C-Mannosylation, a protein-modification found in various eukaryotes, involves the attachment of a single mannose molecule to selected tryptophan residues of proteins. We aim to isolate a mixed bacterial culture from soil that degrades CMW. The bacteria grew in minimal medium with CMW as the sole carbon source. Interestingly, after isolation of single colonies from CMW-agar plates, several bacterial species were still observed in colony isolates, as evidenced by a 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. A next generation sequencing (NGS) analysis was therefore carried out in order to determine which of the species was responsible for the catabolism of CMW.
data type Genome Sequencing
sra-run  DRR101349DRR101350DRR101351DRR101352DRR101353DRR101354DRR101355DRR101356DRR101357DRR101358
sra-submission  DRA006145
biosample  SAMD00093569SAMD00093570SAMD00093571SAMD00093572SAMD00093573SAMD00093574SAMD00093575SAMD00093576SAMD00093577SAMD00093578
sra-study  DRP004965
sra-sample  DRS092536DRS092537DRS092538DRS092539DRS092540DRS092541DRS092542DRS092543DRS092544DRS092545
sra-experiment  DRX094769DRX094770DRX094771DRX094772DRX094773DRX094774DRX094775DRX094776DRX094777DRX094778
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ddbj_core_bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2017-04-17T03:55:11+09:00
dateModified 2019-04-11T13:02:46+09:00
datePublished 2019-04-11T13:02:46+09:00