home > bioproject > PRJDB6357
identifier PRJDB6357
type bioproject
organism Homo sapiens
title Elucidation of chromatin interactions for hormone therapy- resistance of ER positive breast cancer
description The project aims to elucidate chromatin interactions between ESR1 promoter and other genomic regions in hormone therapy- resistant estrogen receptor (ER) positive breast cancer. We compared 4C-seq (chromosome conformation capture combined with high-throughput sequencing) data of human ER positive breast cancer cell line MCF7 and LTED (MCF7 cells after long term estrogen deprivation) cells. The nuclei from each cell type were fixed, digested by first restriction enzyme and ligated by DNA ligase. The purified DNA was digested by second restriction enzyme, ligated and libraries were prepared. ESR1 promoter was set as a bait for the 4C-seq.
data type Epigenomics
sra-run  DRR101429DRR101430DRR101431DRR101432DRR101433DRR101434DRR101435DRR101436DRR101437DRR101438 More
sra-submission  DRA006154
biosample  SAMD00074437SAMD00074438
sra-study  DRP005235
sra-sample  DRS101452DRS101393
sra-experiment  DRX094849DRX094850DRX094851DRX094852DRX094853DRX094854DRX094855DRX094856DRX094857DRX094858 More
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ddbj_core_bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2017-09-08T03:42:51+09:00
dateModified 2019-09-03T04:56:04+09:00
datePublished 2019-07-04T13:12:41+09:00