home > bioproject > PRJDB6510
identifier PRJDB6510
type bioproject
organism Mus musculus
title Analysis of functional roles of Regnase-1 in airway epithelial cells controlling mucosal immunity
description Regnase-1 is an RNase critical for the regulation of immune cell activation. In addition to hematopoietic cells, we found that Regnase-1 is expressed in the airway epithelial cells. Mice lacking Regnase-1 specifically in airway epithelial cells showed the enhanced induction of immune reaction in response to Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. Thus, we performed transcriptome analysis using wild-type and Regnase-1-deficient MTECs (mouse tracheal epithelial cells) to analyze the underlying mechanism of Regnase-1 mediated regulation of airway epithelial cell activation.
data type Transcriptome or Gene Expression
sra-run  DRR111616DRR111617DRR111618DRR111619
sra-submission  DRA006334
biosample  SAMD00099803SAMD00099804SAMD00099805SAMD00099806
sra-study  DRP005589
sra-sample  DRS113710DRS113711DRS113712DRS113713
sra-experiment  DRX104683DRX104684DRX104685DRX104686
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ddbj_core_bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2017-11-16T04:22:08+09:00
dateModified 2019-11-16T13:15:33+09:00
datePublished 2019-11-16T13:15:33+09:00