home > bioproject > PRJDB6531
identifier PRJDB6531
type bioproject
organism Nymphalini
title Identification of chemosensory genes expressed in legs of nymphalid butterflies
description Chemoreception plays a major role in host plant selection by insects. However, genes underlying host selection and host specificity of insects are largely unexplored. To identify the genetic basis of host plant selection, we performed RNA sequencing using four butterfly species of the tribe Nymphalini (Vanessa cardui, Vanessa indica, Polygonia c-aureum, and Araschnia burejana). For each species, three female individuals that were siblings were selected for the experiment. All legs were dissected within two days after eclosion, and used for RNA extraction. RNA sample for each individuals was treated separately. cDNA libraries for HiSeq platform were constructed from those RNA samples. One out of three samples per species was also used for making a cDNA library for MiSeq platform. Subsequently, these cDNA libraries were sequenced using HiSeq2500 and MiSeq. After quality filtering, RNA-seq reads for each species were assembled together with Trinity. Chemosensory genes included in these de novo assemblies were detected based on BLAST searches.
data type Transcriptome or Gene Expression
sra-run  DRR118301DRR118302DRR118303DRR118304DRR118305DRR118306DRR118307DRR118308DRR118309DRR118310 More
sra-submission  DRA006356
biosample  SAMD00106206SAMD00106207SAMD00106208SAMD00106209SAMD00106210SAMD00106211SAMD00106212SAMD00106213SAMD00106214SAMD00106215 More
sra-study  DRP003924
sra-sample  DRS056132DRS056133DRS056134DRS056135DRS056136DRS056137DRS056138DRS056139DRS056140DRS056141 More
sra-experiment  DRX111368DRX111369DRX111370DRX111371DRX111372DRX111373DRX111374DRX111375DRX111376DRX111377 More
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ddbj_core_bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2017-11-23T03:07:45+09:00
dateModified 2017-11-24T13:42:38+09:00
datePublished 2017-11-24T13:42:38+09:00