home > bioproject > PRJDB7388
identifier PRJDB7388
type bioproject
organism marine sediment metagenome
title Studies on temporal changes in the sediment oxygen consumption and bacterial community structure in a seasonally hypoxic enclosed bay, Omura Bay
description In order to clarify how bacterial community composition at surface sediment would change in a seasonally hypoxic enclosed bay (Omura Bay), diversity, richness and structure of the bacterial population were examined in the uppermost sediment layer (0-7 mm depth). Sediment samples and environmental parameters in the water column were collected in a center region of Omura Bay. From June through December in 2011, three replicate sediment cores were collected by scuba diving at each sampling from the center location at 20 ± 1 m depth with an acrylic pipe (31 cm long with 26 mm inner diameter), carefully avoiding the area with visible bioturbation. All core samples were kept at in situ temperature and carefully brought to the laboratory within 3 h after sampling, during which time samples were handled carefully to avoid direct exposure to sunlight and other physical disturbances. Sediment was extruded from cores down to 7 mm depth from the top. The top 0-7 mm layer of sediment was pooled and regarded as the uppermost sediment layer.
data type Metagenome
sra-run  DRR150041DRR150042DRR150043DRR150044DRR150045DRR150046
sra-submission  DRA007315
biosample  SAMD00137488SAMD00137489SAMD00137490SAMD00137491SAMD00137492SAMD00137493
sra-study  DRP005254
sra-sample  DRS101751DRS101752DRS101753DRS101754DRS101755DRS101756
sra-experiment  DRX140792DRX140793DRX140794DRX140795DRX140796DRX140797
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ddbj_core_bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2018-09-02T14:20:25+09:00
dateModified 2019-07-10T13:11:38+09:00
datePublished 2019-07-10T13:11:38+09:00