home > bioproject > PRJDB8218
identifier PRJDB8218
type bioproject
organism Shigella phage SfPhi01
title Complete Genome Sequence of Shigella flexneri phage SfPhi01
description Shigella is one of the most significant causes of waterborne and foodborne bacterial dysentery. A lytic bacteriophage infecting Shigella flexneri, named SfPhi01, was isolated from wastewater in Japan. The purpose of this study was to obtain the complete genome sequence of this bacteriophage.
data type Genome Sequencing
sra-run  DRR175055
sra-submission  DRA008289
biosample  SAMD00168428
sra-study  DRP004978
sra-sample  DRS092734
sra-experiment  DRX165623
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ddbj_core_bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2019-04-16T04:25:21+09:00
dateModified 2019-04-19T08:17:17+09:00
datePublished 2019-04-18T01:46:47+09:00