home > bioproject > PRJDB8913
identifier PRJDB8913
type bioproject
organism riverine metagenome
title Quantitative evaluation of intraspecific genetic diversity in a natural fish population using environmental DNA analysis
description In this study, to quantitatively evaluate the genetic diversity using HTS-based eDNA analysis, we applied quantitative eDNA metabarcoding method to eDNA samples taken from three rivers in Japan. We targeted a fish species, Ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis), an abundant and important fishery target in Japanese inland waters. During the library preparation process, a mixture of known copy numbers of internal standard DNAs was added to each eDNA library to quantify the Ayu eDNA copy numbers. The sequence reads of each Ayu haplotype were then converted to the DNA copy numbers based on the relationship between the copy numbers and sequence reads of the internal standard DNAs. In addition, multiple Ayu specimens were collected from each sampling site and determined haplotype by Sanger sequencing.
data type Genome Sequencing
sra-run  DRR195937DRR195938DRR195939DRR195940DRR195941DRR195942DRR195943DRR195944DRR195945
sra-submission  DRA009150
biosample  SAMD00191433SAMD00191434SAMD00191435
sra-study  DRP005547
sra-sample  DRS112204DRS112205DRS112206
sra-experiment  DRX186354DRX186355DRX186356DRX186357DRX186358DRX186359DRX186360DRX186361DRX186362
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ddbj_core_bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2019-10-24T03:27:35+09:00
dateModified 2019-10-31T13:18:01+09:00
datePublished 2019-10-31T13:18:01+09:00