home > bioproject > PRJEB10057
identifier PRJEB10057
type bioproject
title Variation in the Microbiota of Ixodes ticks with geography, species and sex
description Ixodes scapularis is the principle vector of Lyme disease in the East coast and upper Midwest regions of the United States, yet the tick is also present in the Southeast, where Lyme disease is absent or rare. A closely related species, I. affinis also carries the pathogen in the South but does not seem to transmit to humans. In order to better understand the geographic diversity of the tick, we analyzed the microbiota of 104 adult I. scapularis and 13 adult I. affinis ticks captured in 19 locations in South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Connecticut and New York. Initially ticks from 4 sites were analyzed by 454-pyrosequencing. Subsequently, ticks from these sites plus 15 others were analyzed by Illumina MiSeq. By both analyses female tick microbiomes were significantly less diverse than those of male ticks. The dissimilarity between tick microbiomes increased with distance between sites and the state in which a tick was collected could be inferred from its microbiota. The genus Rickettsia was prominent in all locations. Borrelia was also present in most locations, and was especially high in one site in Western Virginia. In contrast, Enterobacteriaceae was very common in North Carolina I. scapularis but uncommon in I. scapularis from other sites or in North Carolina I. affinis. These data suggest substantial variations in the Ixodes microbiota associated with geography, species, and sex.
data type Other
Use of Oropharyngeal Washes to Diagnose and Genotype Pneumocystis jirovecii.
sra-run  ERR973890ERR973891ERR973892ERR973893ERR973894ERR973895ERR973896ERR973897ERR973898ERR973899 More
sra-submission  ERA462591
biosample  SAMEA3495469SAMEA3495470SAMEA3495471SAMEA3495472SAMEA3495473SAMEA3495474SAMEA3495475SAMEA3495476SAMEA3495477SAMEA3495478 More
sra-study  ERP011240
sra-sample  ERS802618ERS802619ERS802620ERS802621ERS802622ERS802623ERS802624ERS802625ERS802626ERS802627 More
sra-experiment  ERX1050874ERX1050875ERX1050876ERX1050877ERX1050878ERX1050879ERX1050880ERX1050881ERX1050882ERX1050883 More
distribution JSONJSON-LD
bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2015-08-03T00:00:00Z
dateModified 2015-08-03T00:00:00Z
datePublished 2015-08-03T00:00:00Z