home > bioproject > PRJEB11910
identifier PRJEB11910
type bioproject
title The genome of Hypsibius dujardini
description Note: broad distribution of insert-sizes of the mate pair data. We present the genome of the tardigrade Hypsibius dujardini, assembled from Illumina paired and mate-pair data. While the raw data indicated extensive contamination with bacteria, presumably from the gut or surface of the animals, careful cleaning generated a clean tardigrade dataset for assembly. We also generated an expressed sequence tag dataset, a Sanger genome survey dataset and used these and Illumina RNA-Seq data (not public) for assembly validation and gene prediction. The genome assembly is ~130 Mb in span, has an N50 length of over 50 kb, and an N90 length of 6 kb. We predict 23,031 protein-coding genes in the genome, which is available in a dedicated genome browser at http://www.tardigrades.org. Analyses of the genome are ongoing.
data type Other
sra-run  ERR1147177ERR1147178
sra-submission  ERA540511
biosample  SAMEA3679301
sra-study  ERP013334
sra-sample  ERS986450
sra-experiment  ERX1225979ERX1225980
distribution JSONJSON-LD
bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2015-11-27T00:00:00Z
dateModified 2015-11-27T00:00:00Z
datePublished 2015-11-27T00:00:00Z