home > bioproject > PRJEB12199
identifier PRJEB12199
type bioproject
title Disturbance During Biofilm Community Succession Promotes Diversity and Cooperation
description Microbial communities have been used as a test bed for fundamental theoretical ecology for over a century. Model communities are often contrived rather than the product of community succession and are usually limited to a low numbers of taxa. Here we report on the successful use of microbial fuel cells as tractable and fully specified ecological microcosms. These systems allowed the investigation of interactions between disturbance, diversity and productivity in rich anaerobic biofilms. Productivity-diversity and diversity-disturbance relationships have found widespread application in rainforest ecology, conservation and biodiversity management. These conceptual frameworks have yet to be systematically applied to microbial community succession. Here we combine extended biofilm cultures using microbial fuel cells with next generation sequencing methods to reveal previously unseen ecological processes in anaerobic biofilms. Diversity-disturbance and productivity-diversity relationships can be used to explain dynamic changes in the structure of MFC communities. Biofilm succession is guided onto either a generalist-dominated or a cooperative specialist trajectory depending on the level of disturbance taking place within the community. These interactions show remarkable symmetry with findings from macro-scale communities such as grasslands, coral reefs and rainforests.
data type Other
sra-run  ERR1194338ERR1194339ERR1194340ERR1194341ERR1194342ERR1194343ERR1194344ERR1194345ERR1194346ERR1194347 More
sra-submission  ERA548620
biosample  SAMEA3715838SAMEA3715839SAMEA3715840SAMEA3715841SAMEA3715842SAMEA3715843SAMEA3715844SAMEA3715845SAMEA3715846SAMEA3715847 More
sra-study  ERP013646
sra-sample  ERS1022987ERS1022988ERS1022989ERS1022990ERS1022991ERS1022992ERS1022993ERS1022994ERS1022995ERS1022996 More
sra-experiment  ERX1267651ERX1267652ERX1267653ERX1267654ERX1267655ERX1267656ERX1267657ERX1267658ERX1267659ERX1267660 More
distribution JSONJSON-LD
bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2016-01-13T00:00:00Z
dateModified 2016-01-13T00:00:00Z
datePublished 2016-01-11T00:00:00Z