home > bioproject > PRJEB12534
identifier PRJEB12534
type bioproject
title Strengths and biases of morphological and NGS data on eukaryotic microbiome characterizations
description Molecular surveys of eukaryotic microbial communities, employing next-generation sequencing (NGS) techniques, are rapidly supplanting traditional morphological approaches due to their larger data output and reduced bench working time. Although several biases are known to hamper these analyses, it is not yet entirely clear how to quantify them. Here we directly compare morphological and NGS data obtained from the same samples, in an effort to characterize ciliate communities from freshwater sediments in different environments. We show how in silico processing affects the final outcome, suggesting that stringent filtering provides more consistent results. We determine the abundance distribution of ciliate communities, showing that a small fraction of extremely abundant taxa dominate read counts. At the same time, we advance reasons to believe that errors affecting NGS abundances may be significant enough to blur some biological realities. We confirmed that the NGS approach detects far more taxa than morphological inspections, but that the difference varies among taxonomic groups. Finally, we hypothesize that the two datasets actually correspond to different interpretations of “diversity”, and consequently that neither is entirely superior to the other when investigating environmental protists.
data type Other
sra-run  ERR1229934ERR1229935ERR1229936ERR1229937ERR1229938ERR1229939ERR1229940ERR1229941ERR1229942ERR1229943 More
sra-submission  ERA558104
biosample  SAMEA3857310SAMEA3857311SAMEA3857312SAMEA3857313SAMEA3857314SAMEA3857315SAMEA3857316SAMEA3857317SAMEA3857318SAMEA3857319 More
sra-study  ERP014023
sra-sample  ERS1044444ERS1044445ERS1044446ERS1044447ERS1044448ERS1044449ERS1044450ERS1044451ERS1044452ERS1044453 More
sra-experiment  ERX1301869ERX1301870ERX1301871ERX1301872ERX1301873ERX1301874ERX1301875ERX1301876ERX1301877ERX1301878 More
distribution JSONJSON-LD
bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2018-02-21T00:00:00Z
dateModified 2018-02-21T00:00:00Z