home > bioproject > PRJEB14228
identifier PRJEB14228
type bioproject
title These g23 major capsid protein gene sequences of T4-like-myoviruses are from a daily-to-weekly time-series of marine plankton following a spring phytoplankton bloom off of Southern Calironia. The studies are a subset of the data set assoicated the San Pedro Ocean Time-series
description from a manuscript in prep: "Viruses are thought to influence microbial community structure by density-dependent, host-specific infection, which can be strain-specific. Therefore, observations of host and virus dynamics in the environment should benefit from highly-resolving taxonomic characterizations. The T4-like-virus taxa had pronounced day-to-day variation (9 taxa became most abundant over the initial 18 days) in response to the bloom, correlated better to the communities of large or particle-attached prokaryotes than the small and free-living prokaryotes."
data type Other
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