home > bioproject > PRJEB14550
identifier PRJEB14550
type bioproject
title MODER: Efficient discovery of the modular structure of monomeric and dimeric transcription factor binding motifs
description Motivation: In a large number of dimeric cases of transcription factor (TF) binding, the specificity of the dimeric motif has been observed to differ notably from what could be expected were the factors to bind to DNA independently of each other. The current motif discovery methods are unable to learn monomeric and dimeric motifs in a modular fashion such that this deviation from the expected product of independent monomer motifs would become explicit.Results: We propose MODER, an expectation maximization (EM) algorithm and a software tool for discovering monomeric TF binding motifs and their dimeric combinations. The algorithm uses probabilistic mixture modeling in which monomeric motifs are represented as standard position-specific probability matrices (PPMs), and dimeric motifs are represented in modular fashion as pairs of monomeric PPMs, with associated orientation and spacing information. For dimers with over- lapping monomers the model represents explicitly the deviation from the purely modular model in which a dimeric PPM would equal the product of two inde- pendent monomer PPMs. Given training data and seeds for monomeric PPMs, MODER learns all model components and their orientation and spacing prefer- ences simultaneously by EM. The tool can analyze in reasonable time a training data of several Mbps in size. Validation results show robust and accurate perfor- mance.
data type Other
sra-run  ERR2270887ERR2270888ERR2270889ERR2270890ERR2270891ERR2270892ERR2270893ERR2270894
sra-submission  ERA1189483
biosample  SAMEA104548982SAMEA104548983SAMEA104548984SAMEA104548985SAMEA104548986SAMEA104548987SAMEA104548988SAMEA104548989
sra-study  ERP016196
sra-sample  ERS2160266ERS2160267ERS2160268ERS2160269ERS2160270ERS2160271ERS2160272ERS2160273
sra-experiment  ERX2322606ERX2322607ERX2322608ERX2322609ERX2322610ERX2322611ERX2322612ERX2322613
distribution JSONJSON-LD
bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2018-02-21T00:00:00Z
dateModified 2018-02-21T00:00:00Z