home > bioproject > PRJEB14961
identifier PRJEB14961
type bioproject
title Analysis of dust samples from the Russian part of the ISS
description Our study focuses on the hardiest microorganisms inhabiting the ISS, in order to assess their diversity, and capabilities to resist certain stresses. We specifically selected dust samples from the Russian modules that were obtained 8-10 years ago, and stored since then under sealed conditions on Earth. Targeting long-time survivors and spore-forming microorganisms, we assessed consequently the cultivable microbial community of these samples, in order to obtain model microbial strains that could help to analyze specific adaptation towards environmental stresses, such as desiccation and lack of nutrients. In this study, we analyzed these microorganisms with respect to their resistance towards thermal stress and exposure to clinically relevant antibiotics. In addition, we assessed the bacterial and archaeal community via molecular methods (NGS sequencing) and compared our new data with the previously derived information from the ISS microbiome.
data type Other
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