home > bioproject > PRJEB2125
identifier PRJEB2125
type bioproject
title Glossina morsitans genome sequencing
description Male and female tsetse flies (Glossina spp.) are vectors of trypanosomes (e.g T. brucei gambiense and T. brucei brucei) that cause Sleeping Sickness (human African trypanosomiasis) and nagana. It is conservatively estimated by the World Health Organization that there are currently between 300,000 and 500,000 cases of African sleeping sickness, with 60 million people at risk in 37 countries covering 40% of Africa. The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute has undertaken whole genome shotgun sequencing as part of the International Glossina Genomics Initiative (IGGI). Sequence data is being produced using capillary sequencing, Illumina sequencing and 454 sequencing technologies.. This data is part of a pre-publication release. For information on the proper use of pre-publication data shared by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (including details of any publication moratoria), please see http://www.sanger.ac.uk/datasharing/
data type Other
sra-run  ERR012901ERR012902ERR018883ERR018884ERR020100ERR020101ERR020102ERR152403ERR152404ERR367950 More
sra-submission  ERA008927ERA013567ERA014630ERA144419ERA265679
biosample  SAMEA656545SAMEA656548SAMEA1402733SAMEA2242758SAMEA2242759SAMEA2242760
sra-study  ERP000179
sra-sample  ERS005076ERS009188ERS127439ERS368760ERS368761ERS368762
sra-experiment  ERX005291ERX005290ERX007388ERX007389ERX008221ERX008220ERX008219ERX128351ERX128352ERX340626 More
distribution JSONJSON-LD
bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2010-06-02T01:00:00Z
dateModified 2010-06-02T01:00:00Z
datePublished 2010-06-02T01:00:00Z