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identifier PRJEB2309
type bioproject
title Comparative high-throughput transcriptome sequencing and development of SiESTa, the Silene EST annotation database
description Background:The genus Silene is widely used as a model system for addressing ecological and evolutionary questions in plants, but advances in using the genus as a model system are impeded by the lack of available resources for studying its genome. Massively parallel sequencing cDNA has recently developed into an efficient method for characterizing the transcriptomes of non-model organisms, generating massive amounts of data that enable the study of multiple species in a comparative framework. The sequences generated provide an excellent resource for identifying expressed genes, characterizing functional variation and developing molecular markers, thereby laying the foundations for future studies on gene sequence and gene expression divergence. Here, we report the results of a comparative transcriptome sequencing study of eight individuals representing four Silene and one Dianthus species as outgroup. All sequences and annotations have been deposited in a newly developed and publicly available database called SiESTa, the Silene EST annotation database.Results:A total of 1,041,122 EST reads were generated in two runs on a Roche GS-FLX 454 pyrosequencing platform. EST reads were analyzed separately for all eight individuals sequenced and were assembled into contigs using TGICL. These were annotated with results from BLASTX searches and Gene Ontology (GO) terms, and thousands of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were characterized. Unassembled reads were kept as singletons and together with the contigs contributed to the unigenes characterized in each individual. The high quality of unigenes is evidenced by the proportion (49%) that have significant hits in similarity searches with the A. thaliana proteome. The SiESTa database is accessible at http://www.siesta.ethz.ch.Conclusion:The sequence collections established in the present study provide an important genomic resource for four Silene and one Dianthus species and will help to further develop Silene as a plant model system. The genes characterized will be useful for future research not only in the species included in the present study, but also in related species for which no genomic resources are yet available. Our results demonstrate the efficiency of massively parallel transcriptome sequencing in a comparative framework as an approach for developing genomic resources in diverse groups of non-model organisms.
data type Transcriptome or Gene expression
Comparative high-throughput transcriptome sequencing and development of SiESTa, the Silene EST annotation database.
sra-run  ERR020158ERR020159ERR020160ERR020161ERR020162ERR020163ERR020164ERR020165
sra-submission  ERA014677
biosample  SAMEA1022202SAMEA1022203SAMEA1022208SAMEA1022205SAMEA1022201SAMEA1022207SAMEA1022204SAMEA1022206
sra-study  ERP000371
sra-sample  ERS016715ERS016717ERS016718ERS016719ERS016716ERS016720ERS016721ERS016722
sra-experiment  ERX008277ERX008279ERX008280ERX008281ERX008278ERX008282ERX008283ERX008284
distribution JSONJSON-LD
bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2011-08-17T00:00:00Z
dateModified 2011-08-17T00:00:00Z
datePublished 2011-08-17T00:00:00Z