home > bioproject > PRJEB2654
identifier PRJEB2654
type bioproject
title Comparative genomics of photosynthetic bradyrhizobia
description Tropical aquatic species of the legume genus Aeschynomene are stem and root-nodulated by bradyrhizobia exhibiting atypical features (bacterial photosynthesis, use of a nod-dependent (ND) or a nod-independent (NI) pathway to enter into symbiosis). In this study we used a comparative genomics approach on 9 Aeschynomene symbionts representative of the phylogenetic diversity of Aeschynomene symbionts published in Miché et al (2010). We produced draft genomes of a set of strains representing different phenotypes: 5 NI photosynthetic strains (STM3809, ORS375, STM3847, STM4509, STM4523) in addition to the previously sequenced ORS278 and BTAi1 genomes (Giraud et al., 2007), 1 photosynthetic strain ORS285 hosting both ND and NI symbiotic systems, and 1 NI non-photosynthetic strain (STM3843). Comparative genomics allowed to infer the core, pan and dispensable genomes of Aeschynomene bradyrhizobia, and to detect specific genes and their location into Genomic islands (GI). Comparative gene sets depending on the photosynthetic and NI/ND abilities allowed to list putative genes involved in these phenotypes, that were linked to functional analyses currently under way.
data type Other
sra-run  ERR043060ERR043061ERR043062ERR043063ERR043064ERR043065
sra-submission  ERA046170ERA046171
biosample  SAMEA1033215SAMEA1033214SAMEA1033211SAMEA1033216SAMEA1033213SAMEA1033212
sra-study  ERP000868
sra-sample  ERS049404ERS049405ERS049406ERS049407ERS049409ERS049408
sra-experiment  ERX020191ERX020192ERX020193ERX020194ERX020195ERX020196
distribution JSONJSON-LD
bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2011-12-13T00:00:00Z
dateModified 2011-12-13T00:00:00Z
datePublished 2011-12-13T00:00:00Z