home > bioproject > PRJEB2789
identifier PRJEB2789
type bioproject
title Elevated coding mutation rate during the reprogramming of human somatic cells into induced pluripotent stem cells
description Mutations in human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) pose a risk for their clinical use due to preferential reprogramming of mutated founder cell and selection of mutations during maintenance of iPSCs in cell culture. It is unknown, however, if mutations in iPSCs are due to stress associated with oncogene expression during reprogramming. We performed whole exome sequencing of human foreskin fibroblasts and their derived iPSCs at two different passages. We found that in vitro passaging contributed 7% to the iPSC coding point mutation load and ultra deep amplicon sequencing revealed that 19% of the mutations preexist as rare mutations in the parental fibroblasts suggesting that the remaining 74% of the mutations were acquired during cellular reprogramming. Simulation suggests that the mutation intensity during reprogramming is 9-fold higher than the background mutation rate in culture. Thus the factor induced reprogramming stress contributes to a significant proportion of the mutation load of iPSCs.
data type Exome
sra-run  ERR058846ERR058847ERR058848ERR058849ERR058850ERR058851ERR058852ERR058853ERR058854ERR058855 More
sra-submission  ERA073428
biosample  SAMEA1094661SAMEA1094664SAMEA1094669SAMEA1094666SAMEA1094662SAMEA1094667SAMEA1094668SAMEA1094670SAMEA1094671SAMEA1094665 More
sra-study  ERP001067
sra-sample  ERS077785ERS077786ERS077787ERS077788ERS077789ERS077790ERS077791ERS077792ERS077793ERS077794 More
sra-experiment  ERX036684ERX036685ERX036686ERX036687ERX036688ERX036689ERX036690ERX036691ERX036692ERX036693 More
distribution JSONJSON-LD
bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2011-12-16T00:00:00Z
dateModified 2011-12-16T00:00:00Z
datePublished 2011-12-16T00:00:00Z