home > bioproject > PRJEB31811
identifier PRJEB31811
type bioproject
title Carrier Screening Assay for Plain Populations
description Genetically isolated populations such as the Old Order Amish and Old Order Mennonite communities have an increased incidence of specific autosomal recessive disorders due to the founder effect. In these populations, robust expanded carrier screening and diagnostic testing have the potential to reduce overall medical costs and improve patient outcomes. A novel next generation sequencing assay was developed using Anchored Multiplex PCR (AMP™) technology (ArcherDX) for 162 different genetic syndromes caused by 202 pathogenic variants consisting of 150 single nucleotide changes, 43 small insertion/deletions, and 9 large deletions (>20 nucleotides). In order to assess the accuracy of the screening panel results, 48 samples were selected based on prior whole exome sequencing (WES) results. An additional 15 samples were chosen specifically to validate SMN1 and SMN2 copy number analyses. Collectively, the screening panel detected 273 pathogenic single nucleotide or small insertion/deletion variants, 35 copy number variations (CNVs), and one chromosomal abnormality (Klinefelter syndrome). Concordance with prior WES was 100%. By utilizing a novel next generation sequencing workflow, a successful targeted gene variant panel was developed for the Old Order Amish and Old Order Mennonite populations of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Population-wide carrier screening may help decrease the morbidity and mortality of these conditions in these high-risk populations.
data type Other
sra-run  ERR3244722ERR3244723ERR3244724ERR3244725ERR3244726ERR3244727ERR3244728ERR3244729ERR3244730ERR3244731 More
sra-submission  ERA1785232
biosample  SAMEA5532586SAMEA5532587SAMEA5532588SAMEA5532589SAMEA5532590SAMEA5532591SAMEA5532592SAMEA5532593SAMEA5532594SAMEA5532595 More
sra-study  ERP114415
sra-sample  ERS3334657ERS3334658ERS3334659ERS3334660ERS3334661ERS3334662ERS3334663ERS3334664ERS3334665ERS3334666 More
sra-experiment  ERX3271725ERX3271726ERX3271727ERX3271728ERX3271729ERX3271730ERX3271731ERX3271732ERX3271733ERX3271734 More
distribution JSONJSON-LD
bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2019-03-23T00:00:00Z
dateModified 2019-03-23T00:00:00Z