home > bioproject > PRJEB6096
identifier PRJEB6096
type bioproject
title Transcriptomic events associated with internal browning of apple during postharvest storage
description This study aimed to explore apple transcriptome changes associated with flesh browning during storage using Illumina RNA sequencing. Samples from a browning-susceptible cultivar (‘Braeburn’) were stored for four months under controlled atmospheres. Based on a visual browning index, the inner and outer cortex of the stored apples was classified as healthy or affected tissue. Over 600 million short single-end reads were mapped onto the reference transcriptome, and differences in the expression profiles between healthy and affected tissues were assessed to identify candidate genes associated with internal browning. Genes related to the energy, lipid, cell wall, redox state and secondary metabolic pathways were induced or repressed in the affected tissues, and the expression levels of several of them were confirmed by real-time quantitative PCR.
data type Other
sra-run  ERR476657ERR476658ERR476659ERR476660ERR476661ERR476662ERR476663ERR476664ERR476665ERR476666 More
sra-submission  ERA300624
biosample  SAMEA2452185SAMEA2452186SAMEA2452187SAMEA2452188SAMEA2452189SAMEA2452190SAMEA2452191SAMEA2452192SAMEA2452193SAMEA2452194 More
sra-study  ERP005563
sra-sample  ERS433613ERS433614ERS433615ERS433616ERS433617ERS433618ERS433619ERS433620ERS433621ERS433622 More
sra-experiment  ERX442489ERX442490ERX442491ERX442492ERX442493ERX442494ERX442495ERX442496ERX442497ERX442498 More
distribution JSONJSON-LD
bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2014-06-10T00:00:00Z
dateModified 2014-06-10T00:00:00Z
datePublished 2014-06-10T00:00:00Z