home > bioproject > PRJNA150331
identifier PRJNA150331
type bioproject
GEO  GSE34780
organism Homo sapiens
title Chromatin Accessibility Reveals Insight into Androgen Receptor Activation and Transcriptional Specificity
description Using DNase-seq, mRNA-seq and publicly available ChIP-seq data sets, we examined the role of chromatin accessibility (DNase-seq) in androgen receptor binding to the genome (ChIP-seq) and AR-mediated transcriptional changes (mRNA-seq). Our data reveals genome-wide changes in chromatin structure that correspond to AR binding and differential gene expression. A focused examination of DNase-seq data around androgen receptor motifs within androgen receptor ChIP-seq peaks reveals distinct patterns of protection from DNaseI cleavage.Overall design: Examination of chromatin accessibility (DNase-seq), AR binding (AR ChIP-seq), and transcription (mRNA-seq) in LNCaP cells before and after 12 hours of 1 nM R1881 treatmentThis Series represents the RNA-Seq data only. Exon microarray data generated under the same conditions is available through GSE15805. The DNase-seq data is publicly available through GSE32970 as well as the UCSC genome browser (genome.ucsc.edu) under Regulation::ENCODE DNase/FAIRE::Duke DNaseI HS:LNCaP and LNCaP + Andro. The accession numbers for the ChIP-seq experiments used are GSE14097 and GSE28126.
data type Transcriptome or Gene expression
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