home > bioproject > PRJNA192196
identifier PRJNA192196
type bioproject
organism Mus musculus
title Transcriptomes in avian and mammalian brains: tackling evolutionary debates
description “The thorniest problem” in comparative neurobiology is the identification of the particular brain region of birds and reptiles that corresponds to the neocortex, a structure unique to mammals. Anatomical, hodological, embryological and gene expression data (based on few select genes) provide conflicting answers. Studies of embryonic neurogenesis and cell migration have informed homology of developmental territories but the striking similarities in lamination, connectivity and physiological properties observed between adult forms derived from non-corresponding pallial regions remain unexplained.Using RNA-seq, we explored which genes are actively transcribed in these regions of controversial ancestry in a representative bird (chicken) and mammal (mouse) at adult stages.
data type transcriptome
Oxford University
external link
Mouse-Chicken Transcriptome Comparisons
sra-run  SRR934021SRR934022SRR934023SRR934024SRR934025SRR934026SRR934027SRR934028
sra-submission  SRA091849
biosample  SAMN02222146SAMN02222147SAMN02222148SAMN02222149
sra-study  SRP026418
sra-sample  SRS487901SRS454107SRS454108SRS454109
sra-experiment  SRX316792SRX316822SRX316823SRX316824
distribution JSONJSON-LD
bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2013-03-06T00:00:00Z
dateModified 2013-03-06T00:00:00Z