home > bioproject > PRJNA193083
identifier PRJNA193083
type bioproject
organism Thelohanellus kitauei
title Thelohanellus kitauei isolate:Wuqing Genome sequencing and assembly
description Myxozoans (phylum myxozoa) are a diverse group of metazoan endoparasites, with characteristic multicellular spores, polar capsules and extrudible polar filament used in invasion of hosts. In the present work, we sequence and annotate the genome sequences of Thelohanellus kitauei, the first genome in Phylum myxozoa which will help us to get more insight into the unknown myxozoan biology and attempt to reveal its parasitic nutritional characterization. Also wish to find potential clues to control this severe fish parasitosis.
data type Genome sequencing and assembly
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)
The genome of the myxosporean Thelohanellus kitauei shows adaptations to nutrient acquisition within its fish host.
sra-run  SRR1103279SRR772293SRR772294SRR772295SRR772296SRR772297SRR772298SRR772299SRR772300SRR772301 More
sra-submission  SRA123101SRA068319
biosample  SAMN01940900SAMN02568601
sra-study  SRP020474
sra-sample  SRS406372SRS526731SRS406372
sra-experiment  SRX422668SRX249046SRX249065
distribution JSONJSON-LD
bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2013-03-14T00:00:00Z
dateModified 2013-03-14T00:00:00Z
datePublished 2015-01-23T00:00:00Z