home > bioproject > PRJNA193544
identifier PRJNA193544
type bioproject
organism Danio rerio
title Danio rerio strain:Tubingen Epigenomics
description Early vertebrate embryos must achieve totipotency and prepare for zygotic genome activation (ZGA). To better understand, we determined DNAme profiles of zebrafish gametes, multiple embryo stages flanking ZGA, and somatic muscle - and compared them to gene activity and histone modifications. First, sperm chromatin patterns are virtually identical to those at ZGA. Unexpectedly, in the oocyte many genes important for germline functions (ie. piwil1) or early development (ie. hox genes) are DNA methylated. Remarkably, these maternal loci are demethylated during zygotic/cleavage stages to precisely the state observed in sperm, even in parthenogenetic embryos lacking a replicating paternal genome. Furthermore, this cohort constitutes the genes/loci that acquire DNAme during development (ie. ZGA to muscle). Finally, DNA methyltransferase inhibition experiments suggest that DNAme silences particular gene/chromatin cohorts at ZGA, preventing their precocious expression. Thus, zebrafish achieve a ‘totipotent’ chromatin state at ZGA through paternal genome competency and maternal genome DNAme reprogramming.
data type epigenomics
Reprogramming the maternal zebrafish genome after fertilization to match the paternal methylation pattern.
sra-run  SRR800037SRR800038SRR800043SRR800044SRR800045SRR800046SRR800049SRR800056SRR800057SRR800058 More
sra-submission  SRA072148
biosample  SAMN01991178SAMN01991179SAMN01991180SAMN01991181SAMN01991182SAMN01991169SAMN01991170SAMN01991171SAMN01991172SAMN01991173 More
sra-study  SRP020008
sra-sample  SRS405106SRS405345SRS405708SRS405709SRS405710SRS405713SRS405714SRS405715SRS405716SRS405717 More
sra-experiment  SRX257149SRX257153SRX257154SRX257155SRX257156SRX257162SRX257163SRX257164SRX257166SRX258329 More
distribution JSONJSON-LD
bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2013-03-20T00:00:00Z
dateModified 2013-03-20T00:00:00Z