home > bioproject > PRJNA195129
identifier PRJNA195129
type bioproject
GEO  GSE45569
organism Hirudo medicinalis
title Spatial Regulation Dominates Gene Function in the Ganglia Chain
description Spatial regulation analysis across multiple condition comparisons revealed distinct patterns of gene expression. We combined these transcriptome data with spatial CNS data to produce the spatio-transcripto map of the ganglia chain. The Hirudo Medicinalis set of transcripts generated here provides a resource for gene discovery and gene regulation within the nervous system. In addition, the strategy for de novo assembly of transcriptome data presented here may be helpful in other similar transcriptome studies.Overall design: Examination of 3 different ganglia in 3 different leeches.
data type Transcriptome or Gene expression
De novo transcriptome assembly databases for the central nervous system of the medicinal leech.
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