home > bioproject > PRJNA195909
identifier PRJNA195909
type bioproject
GEO  GSE45706
organism Danio rerio
title RNA-sequencing project for zebrafish embryo and larva development
description Zebrafish is an important model system for the study of vertebrate embryonic development and adaptive immunese response. Recent years have seen great advancement in the understanding of the regulatory mechanisms during zebrafish embryogenesis and immune processes, yet large gaps still remain in the functional pathways critical for each developmental stage, especially for the late embryonic development. We sequenced the polyA-extracted mRNA from 9 stages covering 7 major developmental periods of zebrafish. Whole genome gene expression pattern were analyzed to reveal unknown pathways or factors with implicated roles during each stage of vertebrate development.Overall design: Analysis of total mRNA by highthroughput sequencing in 9 stages covering 7 periods during the embryonic and larval development of zebrafish
data type Transcriptome or Gene expression
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