home > bioproject > PRJNA208614
identifier PRJNA208614
type bioproject
organism Arabidopsis thaliana
title SAD1 dynamically regulates alternative splicing and stress tolerance
description Although Sm-like proteins (LSMs) form the core of U6 RNPs and function in pre-mRNA splicing, little is known regarding their regulatory role in selection of splice sites, alternative splicing (AS) and splicing efficiency in eukaryotes. The Arabidopsis SAD1 locus encodes the LSM5 protein and was defined in a genetic screen for components that regulate the expression of stress-responsive gene. To further investigate regulatory role of the protein SAD1 in pre-mRNA splicing, we performed RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) to examine the changes of the global alternative splicing (AS) among the wildtype Arabidopsis plant (C24), the mutant plant (sad1) and the sad1-overexpressed plant (SAD1-OE). Our work not only provided novel insights into the regulatory role of SAD1 or LSM proteins in splicing, but also provided new cues to improving splicing efficiency and optimizing biological functions and screening the stress-resistant plant.
data type transcriptome
sra-run  SRR907283SRR907284SRR907286SRR907287SRR907307SRR907308
sra-submission  SRA091197
biosample  SAMN02205036SAMN02205037SAMN02205038SAMN02205040SAMN02205039SAMN02205041
sra-study  SRP026082
sra-sample  SRS448007SRS448011SRS448014SRS448015SRS448016SRS448017
sra-experiment  SRX309337SRX306607SRX309342SRX309343SRX309344SRX309345
distribution JSONJSON-LD
bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2013-06-17T00:00:00Z
dateModified 2013-06-17T00:00:00Z