home > bioproject > PRJNA227331
identifier PRJNA227331
type bioproject
GEO  GSE52281
organism Mus musculus
title 4C-seq indicate interactive sites with the sequence close from Meis2 promoter
description We report the distribution of interactive sites with the sequence close from Meis2 promoter within the genome of mouse embryonic forebrain. We prepared the chromatin from 11 dpc embryonic forebrain and made 3C (chromosomal conformation capture) library. High-throughput sequencing applied for the 3C analysis revealed the distribution of modified interactive sites within developing forebrain.Overall design: 4C-seq analysis of mouse 11 dpc embryonic forebrain with the sequence close from Meis2 promoter.Forebrain isolated and disected from 11 dpc embryos are fixed by 1% formaldehyde. After conventional 3C reaction, 3C library for highthroughput sequence is prepared by combination of adaptor ligation and nesting PCR reactions.
data type Other
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