home > bioproject > PRJNA227783
identifier PRJNA227783
type bioproject
organism Arachis hypogaea
title Arachis hypogaea strain:cultivar Transcriptome or Gene expression
description Peanut fruit development underground is a salient characteristic through which peanut is distinguished from most of other plant species, yet a comprehensive understanding of its developmental transcriptome at the whole organ level is lacking to date. In this study we report sequencing and deep analysis of messenger RNA and microRNA from 20 separated seed and shell samples representing 11 distinct developmental stages to explore the developmental dynamics of the fruit transcriptome. this study defined major characteristics of the transcriptional programs that underlie peanut pod development. Our data provide a high-resolution view of transcriptome dynamics over peanut fruit development, serve as a valuable resource for gene discovery and for unraveling the fundamental mechanisms of embryogenesis underground as well as form a transcriptional baseline for fruit development under dark conditions.
data type transcriptome
sra-run  SRR2157444SRR2157445SRR2157446SRR2157447SRR2157448SRR2157449SRR2157450SRR2157451SRR2157452SRR2157453 More
sra-submission  SRA288534SRA109561
biosample  SAMN02402798SAMN02402799SAMN02402801SAMN02402803SAMN02402805SAMN02402807SAMN02402809SAMN02402811SAMN02402813SAMN02402815 More
sra-study  SRP033292
sra-sample  SRS506983SRS506992SRS506994SRS506996SRS507001SRS507003SRS507005SRS507007SRS507010SRS507012 More
sra-experiment  SRX1143295SRX1143875SRX1143885SRX1143886SRX1143887SRX1143888SRX1143889SRX1143890SRX1143891SRX1143892 More
distribution JSONJSON-LD
bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2013-11-14T00:00:00Z
dateModified 2013-11-14T00:00:00Z