home > bioproject > PRJNA29893
identifier PRJNA29893
type bioproject
organism Homo sapiens
title Human Genome Structural Variation Project.

The sequence-based survey of human genome structural variation aims to characterize common structural variants that are larger than SNPs, for example, multi-base insertions/deletions, inversions, translocations, and duplications. The approach entails sequencing the ends of genomic libraries from multiple individuals. Discordant end-sequence placements (ESP) against the reference genome are used to create a map of structural variation and to sequence at the level of single basepair resolution the clone corresponding to the variant. The ESP strategy can be efficiently scaled with current technology and is complementary to efforts to obtain human structural variation information by other technologies.

data type Variation
Washington University (WashU)
University of Washington
Agencourt Bioscience Corporation
Agilent Technologies
National Human Genome Research Institute
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Broad Institute
Mapping and sequencing of structural variation from eight human genomes.
Fine-scale structural variation of the human genome.
sra-run  SRR023623SRR023624SRR023625SRR023626SRR023627SRR023628SRR9336681SRR9336682SRR9336683SRR9336684 More
sra-submission  SRA009434SRA902367SRA902537SRA903136SRA912433
biosample  SAMN00800258SAMN00001588SAMN00000376SAMN12109064SAMN12110354SAMN12111337SAMN12121739
sra-study  SRP001106
sra-sample  SRS000039SRS000106SRS000605SRS5002473SRS5003120SRS5004414SRS5014190
sra-experiment  SRX008164SRX008165SRX008166SRX008176SRX008279SRX008280SRX6102569SRX6102570SRX6102571SRX6102572 More
distribution JSONJSON-LD
bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2003-11-12T00:00:00Z
dateModified 2003-11-12T00:00:00Z