home > bioproject > PRJNA320926
identifier PRJNA320926
type bioproject
title Intra- and inter-specific variations of gene expression levels in yeast are largely neutral
description It is commonly, although not universally, accepted that most intra- and inter-specific genome sequence variations are more or less neutral, whereas a large fraction of organism-level phenotypic variations are adaptive. Gene expression levels are molecular phenotypes that bridge the gap between genotypes and corresponding organism-level phenotypes. Yet, it is unknown whether natural variations in gene expression levels are mostly neutral or adaptive. Here we address this fundamental question by genome-wide profiling and comparison of gene expression levels in nine yeast strains belonging to three closely related Saccharomyces species and originating from five different ecological environments. This study has profound implications for understanding the driving force of gene expression evolution, genetic basis of phenotypic adaptation, and general role of stochasticity in evolution.
data type transcriptome
sra-run  SRR3481647SRR3481648SRR3481649SRR3481650SRR3481651SRR3481652SRR3481653SRR3481654SRR3481655SRR3481656
sra-submission  SRA423931
biosample  SAMN04961128SAMN04961129SAMN04961130SAMN04961131SAMN04961132SAMN04961133SAMN04961134SAMN04961135SAMN04961136SAMN04961137
sra-study  SRP074509
sra-sample  SRS1425146SRS1425147SRS1425148SRS1425149SRS1425151SRS1425150SRS1425152SRS1425153SRS1425154SRS1425155
sra-experiment  SRX1746452SRX1746453SRX1746454SRX1746455SRX1746456SRX1746457SRX1746458SRX1746459SRX1746460SRX1746461
distribution JSONJSON-LD
bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2016-05-07T00:00:00Z
dateModified 2016-05-07T00:00:00Z