home > bioproject > PRJNA33627
identifier PRJNA33627
type bioproject
organism Homo sapiens
title Paired-end mapping reveals extensive structural variation in the human genome
description Structural variation of the genome involves kilobase- to megabase-sized deletions, duplications, insertions, inversions, and complex combinations of rearrangements. We introduce high-throughput and massive paired-end mapping (PEM), a large-scale genome-sequencing method to identify structural variants (SVs) approximately 3 kilobases (kb) or larger that combines the rescue and capture of paired ends of 3-kb fragments, massive 454 sequencing, and a computational approach to map DNA reads onto a reference genome. PEM was used to map SVs in an African and in a putatively European individual and identified shared and divergent SVs relative to the reference genome. Overall, we fine-mapped more than 1000 SVs and documented that the number of SVs among humans is much larger than initially hypothesized; many of the SVs potentially affect gene function. The breakpoint junction sequences of more than 200 SVs were determined with a novel pooling strategy and computational analysis. Our analysis provided insights into the mechanisms of SV formation in humans.
data type Variation
Paired-end mapping reveals extensive structural variation in the human genome.
sra-run  SRR000001SRR000002SRR000003SRR000004SRR000005SRR000006SRR000007SRR000008SRR000009SRR000010 More
sra-submission  SRA000197
biosample  SAMN00001583SAMN00000376
sra-study  SRP000001
sra-sample  SRS000100SRS000605
sra-experiment  SRX000007SRX000006SRX000005SRX000002SRX000004SRX000003SRX000001SRX002438SRX002439
distribution JSONJSON-LD
bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2008-04-25T00:00:00Z
dateModified 2008-04-25T00:00:00Z