home > bioproject > PRJNA419288
identifier PRJNA419288
type bioproject
organism Beta vulgaris
title Beta vulgaris cultivar:3RR0905 Raw sequence reads
description Heterosis, or hybrid vigour, is essential to plant breeding. Heterosis effects are often seen when two parent lines are crossed and the offspring (an F1 hybrid) displays improved characteristics for biomass, yield, etc. There is conflicting evidence whether the genetic distance between parental lines can be used as a selection tool to generate superior heterozygous F1 hybrids across different crop species. In this study, genotyping by sequencing analysis of different sugar beet F1 hybrids was undertaken to determine the relationship between levels of heterozygosity and the expression of heterosis for several characteristics.
data type raw sequence reads
sra-run  SRR6315544SRR6315545SRR6315546SRR6315547SRR6315548SRR6315549SRR6315550SRR6315551SRR6315552SRR6315553 More
sra-submission  SRA633323
biosample  SAMN08048943SAMN08048942SAMN08048941SAMN08048939SAMN08048959SAMN08048961SAMN08048963SAMN08048960SAMN08048900SAMN08048898 More
sra-study  SRP125454
sra-sample  SRS2708380SRS2708393SRS2708392SRS2708385SRS2708391SRS2708390SRS2708389SRS2708384SRS2708387SRS2708388 More
sra-experiment  SRX3415469SRX3415468SRX3415467SRX3415466SRX3415465SRX3415464SRX3415463SRX3415462SRX3415461SRX3415460 More
distribution JSONJSON-LD
bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2017-11-21T00:00:00Z
dateModified 2017-11-21T00:00:00Z