home > bioproject > PRJNA543000
identifier PRJNA543000
type bioproject
organism Meriones unguiculatus
title De novo assembly of the Mongolian gerbil genome and transcriptome
description The Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) has historically been used as a model organism for the auditory and visual systems, stroke/ischemia, epilepsy and aging related research since 1935 when laboratory gerbils were separated from their wild counterparts. In this study we report genome sequencing, assembly, and annotation further supported by transcriptome data from 27 different tissues samples. FINDINGS: The genome was assembled using Illumina HiSeq 2000 and resulted in a final genome size of 2.54 Gbp with contig and scaffold N50 values of 31.4 Kbp and 500.0 Kbp, respectively. Based on the k-mer estimated genome size of 2.48 Gbp, the assembly appears to be complete. The genome annotation was supported by transcriptome data that identified 36 019 predicted protein-coding genes across 27 tissue samples. A BUSCO search of 3023 mammalian groups resulted in 86% of curated single copy orthologs present among predicted genes, indicating a high level of completeness of the genome. CONCLUSIONS: We report a de novo assembly of the Mongolian gerbil genome that was further enhanced by annotation of transcriptome data from several tissues. Sequencing of this genome increases the utility of the gerbil as a model organism, opening the availability of now widely used genetic tools.
data type Genome sequencing and assembly
sra-run  SRR9066909SRR9066910SRR9066911SRR9066912SRR9066913SRR9066914SRR9066915SRR9066916SRR9066917SRR9066918 More
sra-submission  SRA887264
biosample  SAMN11651137SAMN11651139SAMN11651119SAMN11651142SAMN11651133SAMN11651120SAMN11651129SAMN11651128SAMN11651141SAMN11651124 More
sra-study  SRP198569
sra-sample  SRS4768100SRS4768124SRS4768123SRS4768122SRS4768100SRS4768121SRS4768120SRS4768119SRS4768118SRS4768117 More
sra-experiment  SRX5843054SRX5843053SRX5843052SRX5843051SRX5843050SRX5843049SRX5843048SRX5843047SRX5843046SRX5843045 More
distribution JSONJSON-LD
bioproject.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2019-05-15T00:00:00Z
dateModified 2019-05-15T00:00:00Z
datePublished 2019-08-30T00:00:00Z