home > biosample > SAMD00010230
identifier SAMD00010230
type biosample
sra-sample  DRS007608
organism Triticum aestivum
sample_name  DRS007608
sample comment  Seeds of double ditelosomic 6B (dDt6B) of hexaploid wheat cultivar Chinese Spring (accession number LPGKU2269) were obtained from National BioResource Project-Japan. Approximately forty thousand seeds were obtained from fifty dDt6B plants and the chromosomal constitution (20”+t”6BS+t”6BL) was confirmed by C-banding. Liquid suspensions of intact mitotic chromosomes were prepared from synchronized root tips. The suspensions were stained with 2 mg/ml 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride (DAPI) and the chromosomes were sorted using a FACSVantage SE flow cytometer (Becton Dickinson, San José, USA).
bioproject  PRJDB2334
sra-run  DRR008484DRR008485DRR008486DRR008487DRR008488DRR008489
sra-submission  DRA000979
sra-study  DRP001018
sra-sample  DRS007608
sra-experiment  DRX007670DRX007673DRX007671DRX007674DRX007672DRX007675
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ddbj_biosample_set.xml.gz  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2014-05-12T01:17:49+09:00
dateModified 2014-11-12T08:28:28+09:00
datePublished 2014-10-30T23:29:01+09:00