home > biosample > SAMEA3528420
identifier SAMEA3528420
type biosample
sra-sample  ERS835569
organism Ruegeria atlantica
ENA first public  2015-11-06
ENA last update  2016-10-21
External Id  SAMEA3528420
INSDC center alias  UVEG
INSDC center name  University of Valencia, Spain
INSDC first public  2015-11-06T17:01:00Z
INSDC last update  2016-10-21T09:35:37Z
INSDC status  public
Submitter Id  CECT 4292
collection date  1985
depth  1023
environment (biome)  sediment
environment (feature)  marine sediment
environment (material)  marine sediment from Northwestern African Upwelling Area
geographic location (country and/or sea)  Atlantic Ocean
geographic location (elevation)  -1023
geographic location (latitude)  21.4
geographic location (longitude)  -17.9
investigation type  mimarks-survey
project name  Whole genome sequencing of Ruegeria atlantica CECT 4292, type strain
sample name  CECT 4292
sediment environmental package  sediment
sequencing method  Illumina MiSeq
strain  CECT 4292
type-material  type strain of Ruegeria atlantica
bioproject  PRJEB10690
sra-run  ERR1007363
sra-submission  ERA475888
sra-study  ERP011976
sra-sample  ERS835569
sra-experiment  ERX1086387
distribution JSONJSON-LD
biosample_set.xml.gz  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2015-11-07T09:07:14Z
dateModified 2021-08-21T07:39:46Z
datePublished 2015-11-06T00:00:00Z